Senior Operations Geologist from October 2010 to Present, Dubai Petroleum, Dubai Offshore, UAE.
Joined Dubai Petroleum as a Sr. Geologist (Operations and Geosteering) and based in Dubai. Is responsible for all the day to day geological operations and report the same to the Team Leader. My job duties are to liaise and coordinate with the wellsite geologist, provide and advise on the geosteering operations, QC all the geological reports and data generated at the wellsite, be a single point contact on all decisions with the drilling team.
Well-site Geologist from September 2010 to October 2010, ExxonMobil, Onshore, Indonesia.
ExxonMobil, Indonesia drilled exploratory wells in Cepu Onshore block to explore for oil and gas in this area. Extensive wireline logs were recorded including formation sampling (MDT and MCT-sidewall cores) during the different phases of the well. In addition to the regular well-site duties, I was responsible to lead and supervise the geological aspects while drilling, entire coring and wireline logging operations and be the direct representative for the Geoscience department at the well-site.
Wells: Alas Tua West-1 Exploratory well.
Reference: Mr. Scott Wilmot - Geoscience Operations Geologist.
Well-site Geologist from October 2008 to August 2010, Dubai Petroleum, Dubai Offshore, UAE.
Dubai Petroleum is now implementing ambitious plans for reinvestment in, and reinvigoration of the fields by drilling development horizontal multi laterals wells in their offshore Fateh, Southwest Fateh, Rashid and Falah blocks, to increase the oil production in this area. Extensive horizontal drain hole are drilled in the productive zones. In addition to the regular well-site duties, I was responsible to lead and supervise the geological aspects while drilling, geo-steering and FEWD logging operations and be the direct representative for the Geoscience department at the well-site. Special software package used: Roxar RMS for geo-steering, well correlations, structural mapping and well path plotting; Geolog Geo-steering software for geosteering horizontal laterals.
Wells: RA–12 A & B, Horizontal dual lateral development well.
FB–23, Directional development well.
FC-20 & FC-20A, Dual Horizontal development (Producer/Injector).
RA-13 & RA-13A, Dual Horizontal and laterals development well.
HH-06 B & C, Dual Horizontal laterals development well.
ZA-03A, Horizontal lateral development well.
Jadid-02, Horizontal lateral apprisial well.
NN-02A, Horizontal development well.
NN-10B & C, Dual horizontal lateral development well.
DD-05A & B, Dual horizontal lateral development well.
DD-02B, Horizontal lateral development well.
KK-03B & C, Dual horizontal lateral development well.
Reference: Mr. Frederic Chemin - Development Manager.
Mr. Melroy D’Cruz – Team Lead G&G Support.
Well-site Geologist from November 2008 to December 2008 and March 2009 to April 2009 ExxonMobil (ESSO), Angola.
ESSO a sub-division of ExxonMobil, owns one of the largest oil producing fields in Angola. ’They are producing from the Lower Congo Basin structure – Block 15, deep waters offshore of Angola and are actively developing the Xikomba field, Kizomba A, Kizomba B, and Kizomba C field. Most of the wells are drilled directionally and deviated up to 85 degrees inclination. All wells employed PWD (Formation pressure while drilling) services incorporated with other high end LWD services. My duties were Geological supervision of deviated development producer and injector wells, quality control of Mud logging, MWD/LWD and PWD services at the well-site. Interpretation of Gas & Drilling data and quality monitoring. Quality control of LWD and PWD logging operations and quick-look analysis of formation pressure evaluation, communicating with clients in Huston and Angola and prepare daily morning & noon geological reports. Work independently following Geological Prognosis. Casing and core point picks. Preparation of Final Well Geological Report using the ESSO geological reporting software and other office duties.
Wells: Mondo-212, Kisanje-129, Batuq-205, Batuq-206 (Development production)
Mondo-4 (Appraisal / Semi Exploration
Reference: Robert V. Corwin (ExxonMobil Operations Geologist).
Mike Egan (Luanda Ops Geologist, AIPC Consultant).
Erik Hinsman (Luanda Ops Geologist, Consultant).
Well-site Geologist from April 2008 to September 2008, ROC Oil Company Limited, Angola, (onshore Cabinda).
ROC Oil Company Limited, Force Petroleum Limited and Sonagal joint venture drilled wildcat exploratory wells in South Cabinda Onshore block (Lower Congo Basin) to explore for oil in this area. Extensive wireline logs were recorded including formation sampling (MDT and MCT-sidewall cores) during the different phases of the well. In addition to the regular well-site duties, I was responsible to lead and supervise the geological aspects while drilling, entire coring and wireline logging operations and be the direct representative for the Geoscience department at the well-site.
Wells: Coco-1 Wildcat exploratory well.
Sesamo-1 Wildcat exploratory well.
Arroz-1 Wildcat exploratory well.
Masambala (core) Core studies well
Reference: Mr. Tim Bray -Operations Geologist (ROC Oil, Sydney, Australia).
Mr. Martin Baxter or Andy Bourke (Kanna Consultant Operations Geologist, Angola).
Well-site Geologist from November 2007 to March 2008, Exxon Mobil / Qatar Gas II (Operator RasGas), Qatar (offshore).
Exxon Mobil and Qatar Gas II joint venture drilled an appraisal well NF-3 in the North Field blocks. This was a vertical well. A total of approx. 650 ft was cored in the Yamama and Sulaiy formations. As the drilling progressed, the entire Khuff formation was cored (~1400 ft). Extensive wireline logs were recorded including formation sampling (MDT) during the different phases of the well. In addition to the regular well-site duties, I was responsible to lead and supervise the geological aspects while drilling, entire coring and wireline logging operations and be the direct representative for the Geoscience department at the well-site.
Wells: NF-3 Appraisal Well
Reference: Mr. Stephen Kennedy (Geoscientist) .
Mr. Scott Wilmot (Geoscience Advisor) .
Mr. Timothy Green (Operations Geologist) .
Well-site Geologist from April 2006 to October 2007, South Rub Al Khali Company (SRAK) (Shell + Tolal + Saudi Aramco), Saudi Arabia, Onshore).
SRAK (Shell 40%, Total 30% and Saudi Aramco 30%), operated by Shell was a company formed in the mid of 2005, with a main objective to explore for Gas condensate in the unexplored regions of the empty quarters (South Rub Al Khali). SRAK’s first exploration well was ISHARAT-1 was drilled to a depth of 13,320 ft. This was a wild cat category well and without any nearby offset well data, the nearest well was 70 kms away in Yemen and much beyond the geological plate boundary. Prior to start of the drilling operations I was assigned to office duties to prepare Geological, Mud logging, Wireline logging and LWD programs and planning.
Wells: Isharat-1 Wildcat/Exploration
Al Mirtan-1 Wildcat/Exploration
Reference: Mr. Andreas Briner, Operations Geologist.
Mr. Alain Jourdan, Principal Geologist.
Well-site Geologist from April 2004 to April 2006, RasGas (ExxonMobil), Qatar (offshore).
RasGas (ExxonMobil) is one of the youngest and rapidly growing Gas producing company in Qatar. The Gas producing wells are from offshore North Field blocks, bordering Iran. The wells drilled were mostly development and directional with an appraisal pilot vertical well drilled in each well head platform. The directional wells were drilled to a depth of +/- 14000 to 15000 ft (directional). Gas is produced from the Khuff reservoirs (carbonate lithology). I have had the opportunity to work in the Qatar Petroleum core lab while processing the cores from these gas producing reservoirs and have gained a lot of knowledge about these reservoirs.
Well Head Platform 5 (WHP-5), NFR 5-1 to5-9 (batch drilling)
Well Head Platform 6 (WHP-6), NFR 6-1 to 6-9 (batch drilling)
Well Head Platform 7 (WHP-7), NFR 7-6 to 7-7 (batch drilling)
NFQ-5-1 Company: RasGas+QatarGasII
Reference: Mr. Stephen Kennedy (Geoscientist) .
Mr. Scott Wilmot (Geoscience Advisor) .
Mud logging and Geological Field Supervisor, From December 2001 to July 2003, Canadian Nexen, Yemen (onshore).
Due to my experience and knowledge, I was promoted to a Field Supervisor; my job primarily was to supervise the Well-site geologists and mud logging operation in the field and be the direct liaison between the operations geologist and well-site geologist, to assist the Operations Geologist in the day to day operations (reporting, horizon tops picks, wireline logging, coring operations and casing points) in addition to the job description mentioned in the Experience section.
Well-site Geologist from October 1996 to November 2001, Canadian Nexen, Yemen (onshore).
This was the highest oil producing block (Massila Block # 14) in Yemen, Block. Most of the wells were mostly vertical development, with a few appraisal wells. Vertical and were drilled to +/- 6500 ft (Tawila field, Hemiar field, Camaal field, Naziah Field). A few appraisal or semi exploration were drilled in theses fields. Oil was initially produced from the Qishn Clastics reservoir. Subsequently, production was started from the Saar Clastics and Saar Carbonates reservoirs. Crude oil from the fractured basement (Granatic gneiss) was also being produced; oil in these fractures was basically from the source rock – Madbi Shales and Madbi Carbonates; these were mostly directional wells in the Sunah and NE Sunah fields. They were drilled to a depth of +/- 12000 to 14000 ft. A few horizontal wells were also drilled in this block to increase the drain hole. The shallow wells were being drilled in about 15 to 20 days time and the deeper wells were drilled in 30 to 70 days time.
(Well duration 2 to 3 weeks) Tawila field, Tawila 10 to 25
Camaal Field, Camaal 12 to 36
Hemiar Field, Hemiar 3 to 7
Naziah Field, Naziah 4 to 8
West Hemiar Field , West Hemiar 2
Heijah Field, Heijah 3 to 7
(Well duration 6 to 9 weeks) N Camaal field, N Camaal 5 to 6
Sunah Field, Sunah 7 to 12
NE Sunah Field, NE Sunah 4 to 6
Reference: Field Operations Geologist (Yemen) Vic Dudus .
Geo Pressure, Data Engineer and Junior well site Geologist from December 1992 to November 1993, (VICO Indonesia) Indonesia.
Worked as a Geopressure and Junior Well site Geologist in the Samarinda’s Punam fields for VICO Indonesia. Job responsibilities included were identifying formation / horizon tops, cutting sample descriptions and preparation of lithology strip log including the lithology summary.
HPHT Well: Puman-1
Development wells: Medco field. |